Pinner Peace
Image of Bound - Full Set

Bound - Full Set

$85.00 - Sold out

The exciting debut of 3PCo x Epikmoore collaboration!

I want to say that this particular collab is very sentimental to me. There are a lot of external and internal struggles that each of us deal with based on our social, racial, economic and a sleuth of differences or know someone we care about affected by these differences. This design is meant to show that the struggle is shared, no matter your skin color or what you identify with.

Size: 2.5"
Black nickel
Soft enamel with epoxy overlay
Double posted, rubber clutches
Laser number engraved
Limited Edition

Yellow - Pacify LE 50
'Pacify' history while justifying the means to injust ends; we lose our humanity when we no longer see through each other's eyes

Red - Petrified LE 50
'Petrified' by all the evils we choose not to see, to not hear, to not speak, we wall ourselves in shared stones of fears and worries.

Blue - Degrees (of Separation) LE 50
'Degrees' of separation suppress each of us from unification...

White Glow - Eclipsed LE 25
'Eclipsed' in daylight, we turn blind eyes, deaf ears, muted lips to what is so nakedly clear in the stark quiet of night.

Multi color - Clarity LE 20
'Clarity' is seen with empathy's eyes. Free that which binds you to darkness and open your heart to everything you're meant to feel.

***Clarity LE 20 is only available in the full set. All full sets will be matching numbers.

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